Chapter 0026: Need You to Accompany Once

"This guy is doing this on purpose, just to get close to me by sucking up to you all. Why don't you believe it?"

Lin Xuerou stomped her foot in frustration. What kind of spell had this ruffian cast on her parents and Zhou Yuanyuan? Why were all of them taking his side?

By now, the foot traffic at the snack street had returned to normal, and many students passing by stopped to shop, so Mother Lin didn't say any more and waved her off, "Alright, enough talking. Hurry up and tidy the place, we still need to do business!"

Lin Xuerou cleaned up with much frustration, thinking maybe Chu Nan sent people to trouble the store first and then deliberately set Chen Youliang up before stepping in at the last moment, just like what had happened at the school gate before!

Yes! It must be true. Only a cunning ruffian would come up with such a scheme to win people over! That was a certainty!