Chapter 0034: The Iceberg Beauty is also Gossipy

"Mengmeng, is this Tao Duoduo's family very influential?"

Chu Nan thought about it and asked casually.

"Uh... it's okay, I guess..."

Li Mengmeng's expression seemed a bit unnatural as she turned her head and puckered her lips to speak.

Seeing the strange look on Li Mengmeng's face, Chu Nan was a bit surprised, thinking that perhaps the way he addressed her was the problem.

Just as he was about to ask again, the usually reticent Cai Mingyue suddenly spoke up indifferently, cutting him off, "You don't need to ask any more, Mengmeng used to be Tao Duoduo's girlfriend. They were together for a while but broke up for some reason."

"Uh... got it, sorry about that!"

Chu Nan was taken aback and smiled sheepishly.

He turned his head with a puzzled look to glance at Li Mengmeng and mused that wasn't she just Cai Mingyue's assistant secretary?