Chapter 0038: The Old Military Doctor's Miracle Cure

How can this kid be so strong?

The man in black was puzzled when he suddenly felt his waist hit something blunt, causing him a dull pain, followed by a scream.

Only then did the man in black realize that the blunt object was his own companion, who had been accidentally sent flying by himself spinning in the air!

Just as he figured out why, the man in black's right leg hit another companion's head, and this time there wasn't even a scream—the man was knocked out cold on the spot.

"Hoo hoo ha hei, Chu Airlines, the plane is coming in to land!"

Chu Nan shouted, then lightly loosened his grip, and the man in black uncontrollably spun in the air for a few rounds before crashing down into the flowerbed by the roadside, without any chance to resist, and went black in front of his eyes, losing consciousness immediately.