Chapter 0045 Once a Month

Seeing Cai Mingyue and her companion almost at the commercial van, Zhao Siyu, unwilling to give up, clenched his teeth and chased after them, putting on a brave face to say to Cai Mingyue:

"Ming Yue, why don't we change our plans? I've heard the wildlife park is quite dangerous. What if you two delicate beauties get hurt by tigers or lions? What would we do then?"

Chen Youming saw what was happening and couldn't bother to act cool anymore. He immediately jumped down from the RV and ran quickly towards the Buick, afraid of being left behind and ignored.

"No change, no change. We've already decided on this place. If you want to go, then go; if not, just find somewhere else to have fun!"

Li Mengmeng dismissed them irately, then opened the car door to let Cai Mingyue in and squeezed herself into the vehicle too. She was all too eager for those two nuisances not to accompany them—then there'd be no need to continue this tiresome charade!