Chapter 0073: Don't Want the Bonus Anymore?

Hong Xiaochen was exhilarated beyond words.

Having let that slippery eel talk his way out of trouble twice before, she now witnessed him pickpocketing, and heard the victims accusing him of robbery. She was eager to see how he'd spin his web of lies this time!

This time she was determined to lock him up for a good ten to fifteen days!

"I indeed don't live around here, but I have friends who do in the neighborhood, maybe..."

With a face full of helplessness, Chu Nan sighed and thought about how unlucky he was. He was about to explain himself to Hong Xiaochen again, but she ruthlessly cut him off.

"Hmph, your friends live here? I have friends on Mars! Behave and come with me to the station, and don't make me get physical!"

Hong Xiaochen didn't believe a word Chu Nan said and pulled out handcuffs from behind her back, cautiously approaching him.