Chapter 0075: Where to Look?

Upon hearing Li Mengmeng's remarks, Chu Nan was also astounded.

He silently wondered if this girl, Li Mengmeng, was hiding her true capabilities. Could it be that she had killed someone's people before? Why else would she know that killing them was of no use?

"Did you hear that? Remember, don't act rashly. Staying safe is the most important thing, got it?"

Seeing Chu Nan didn't respond, Li Mengmeng reiterated her warning.

"Okay then, I'll go out for another round to see if these people are still around. If they are, I'll send them to the hospital for a few days' rest to prevent them from always coming back, so I won't have to run back and forth all the time."

Chu Nan shrugged as he said this.

Since Li Mengmeng didn't want to reveal who these people were, Chu Nan was too lazy to keep digging. Everyone has their secrets, right?

As long as he was getting a reward, that was fine. Those people in black didn't look like good guys anyway!