Chapter 082: Move It Back Exactly the Way It Was

Miss Zhou casually clicked, and the information about "Ma's Supermarket" appeared on the screen, making her laugh involuntarily once she read it.

She thought to herself, these two seemed honestly dorky, but they sure knew how to ride the wave!

Miss Zhou was sharp as a tack and immediately saw right through Chu Nan's little ruse!

However, she didn't get angry. Yesterday, when Lin Xuerou's shop was being troubled, Chu Nan and Mashouzi came to her aid. Now that they were in trouble, of course, she couldn't just ignore it.

After getting up and dressing quickly, Miss Zhou hurried downstairs and ran towards Mashouzi's grocery store.

She had just arrived at the scene when she saw a group of security guards busily loading goods onto a truck.

Miss Zhou frowned and walked up, hands on her hips, angrily demanding, "Who told you to come here and move things? Put everything back right now!"

"Who are you? Go chill out over there and mind your own business!"