Chapter 0087: Cai Mingyue's Perseverance

"Mengmeng, help me turn on the projector and distribute these documents, one for each person."

Cai Mingyue walked to the front without glancing sideways, sat down in the executive chair, took a deep breath, smoothed her somewhat disheveled hair, and closed her eyes to repeat the meeting content in her mind.

As Li Mengmeng connected the projector and began handing out documents, Cai Mingyue also slightly opened her eyes, ready to introduce to everyone the project she had meticulously designed.

Just at this moment, the conference room door, which had been firmly shut, suddenly "bang" was pushed open.

The people in the room were instantly puzzled, turning their heads to look.

Outside the door stood a tall and straight young man with chiseled features and neatly trimmed short hair, exuding an air of charm. However, there was a hint of barely concealed animosity in the corners of his eyes and brows.