Chapter 098: You Compensate for Him

Chu Nan remained calm and as he stood up, his gaze swept in that direction and he saw Chen Youliang and his crew sneakily hiding behind a wall, peeking over.

With a flash of insight as quick as lightning, he immediately understood the whole story.

"Good thing you're alive... Hey! Brother Nan, what are you doing?"

Just as Mashouzi let out a sigh of relief, he saw Chu Nan roll up his sleeves and kick towards Bao Gou's stomach!

"Stop playing dead, get up and pay for the door!"

Chu Nan's foot landed heavily on Bao Gou's face, instantly leaving a large shoe print on his forehead, and blood bubbles started spitting from the corner of his mouth, looking too gruesome to bear.

Mashouzi was stunned by Chu Nan's actions and raised his thumb, exclaiming sincerely, "Oh my, Brother Nan, how come you're even more cunning than me? I just wanted to shirk some responsibility, but you actually bit back. Seems like you're the tougher one!"