Chapter 107: A Quite Unique Way of Pursuit

"Forget it, even if you ask me to come next time in a grand palanquin, I won't. This place is just too scary, I'd rather go back and help Mashouzi; it's safer there."

Chu Nan shrugged his shoulders, said his piece, then turned and left.

Chu Nan figured Mashouzi and Zhou Yuanyuan should also be about done chatting by now, and since Lin Xuerou didn't want to go buy clothes, there was no point in him staying there.

On the contrary, if he stayed longer, he'd just end up getting scoffed at again, so it was better to just leave—there was still a pile of work waiting for him at the supermarket!

Watching Chu Nan's retreating figure, Lin Xuerou suddenly thought that this guy's way of pursuing a girl was quite special; it seemed to be a bit more sophisticated than Chen Youliang and those pestering, spoiled young masters.

Though Chu Nan's pursuit methods were unique, Lin Xuerou felt she wouldn't fall for them easily!