Chapter 0114: Two Winning Bidders

Cai Mingyue still felt nervous inside. Other guests could take advantage of the banquet to network and enjoy some delicacies, but she was so anxious she couldn't eat anything.

Moreover, due to Zhao Siyu's arrogant remarks just now, everyone was pointing at her and casting mocking glances, with no one willing to interact with her.

"Ming Yue, no matter how others view you, Chu Nan and I will always stand by your side. Don't be unhappy now; I believe your efforts will definitely pay off!"

Li Mengmeng walked behind Cai Mingyue and patted her shoulder, saying with a smile.

"That's right, Mengmeng and I are both rooting for you!"

Chu Nan also came over at this moment, standing beside Cai Mingyue and echoed the sentiment.

Li Mengmeng glanced at Chu Nan and asked puzzledly, "Choo Nan, the stage spotlights have been turned off, why haven't you taken off your sunglasses? Can you see things clearly?"

"Why should I take them off? Haven't you noticed how cool I look with sunglasses on?"