Chapter 0119: Shocking the Whole Audience

"Heh, that makes things a lot easier!"

Gerard smiled gratefully at Chu Nan, then put on a stern face and loudly ordered his two bodyguards, "You two throw this guy out for me, don't let him disturb our business negotiation!"

The two bodyguards, one of whom Chu Nan had just now immobilized by the wrist and the other nearly knocked to the ground by the assistant, were both holding back a lot of anger.

Now that the boss had given the order, they certainly didn't hesitate and immediately stepped forward, grabbing Zhao Siyu by the neck and started marching him out.

Chen Youming originally wanted to go up and help, but seeing the two foreign bodyguards' towering and sturdy figures, he instantly retreated several steps, picked up a champagne flute, and pretended to drink to avoid getting involved and suffering an undeserved calamity.

"What the hell! You dare lay hands on me? You've got some nerve! Do you even know I'm from Ming City... What the fuck! You actually dare hit me?!"