Chapter 0121: Resolve On the Spot

"Ah?! Use this?"

Li Mengmeng was startled, a suspicious flush crossing her cheeks as she hesitated, gazing at the beverage bottle in Chu Nan's hand.

"Yes! If I don't take care of it now, I'm gonna pee my pants!"

Chu Nan said this while looking around, trying to find a somewhat secluded corner.

Li Mengmeng bit her lip for a while before finally mustering the courage to say, "I think the mouth of this bottle... is too small. What if it gets on my hands? What then?"

"Hiss— Suit yourself, I really can't hold it anymore. You keep watch for me, I'm going to take care of business right now!"

Chu Nan could no longer be bothered to think of a solution for Li Mengmeng. Frowning, he handed one of the beverage bottles to her and then walked over to the promotional board set up by the side of the stage.

Li Mengmeng looked left and right, seeing no one around, so she reluctantly took the beverage bottle and followed behind Chu Nan, struggling terribly inside.