Chapter 0129 I Didn't Hit Either

"What the hell! Who has the guts to do this?"

Huo Second Master's angry voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It was a damn woman and a pretty boy, she kicked me and gave me a black eye, probably can't do business for the next few days, my loss is massive!"

As Jia Xiaofeng spoke, he casually used his phone to look at his face, realizing that the area around his left eye was blackenend, he looked like a panda, absolutely disastrous to behold.

Upon hearing this, Huo Second Master was instantly stunned. This was serious business! Jia Xiaofeng was their cash cow!

No, one should say his face was their cash cow!

You have to understand, normally they specialized in luring rich ladies; once they got them hooked, they'd work together to set traps for the ladies, take some photos and videos or whatever, and use them to scam a huge amount of money. And Jia Xiaofeng's job was the first step—hooking the rich ladies.