Chapter 0133: Tianbang Merchant Association

"Ah?! It's past ten already?"

Cai Mingyue couldn't help but startle, turning back to look at the clock, her cheeks reddening slightly.

After she had returned to her room earlier, she was somewhat excited, thinking about the official contract signing tomorrow, so she decided to do her homework in advance and had completely lost track of time.

Seeing Li Mengmeng and Chu Nan looking up at her from downstairs, Cai Mingyue coughed awkwardly twice before asking, "By the way, Chu Nan, will you accompany us to the Gerard Chieftain's place for the contract signing tomorrow?"

"I think I'll pass. Tomorrow is the grand opening of Ma's Supermarket; I'll probably be quite busy, and anyway... do you need me to play any pretend roles for you there?"

Chu Nan scratched his head, tactfully declining.

Actually, Chu Nan really didn't want to meet with Gerard to avoid the man potentially saying something he shouldn't, which would be problematic.