Chapter 0137: The Elopement of the Man and the Woman

Watching Chu Nan escort Lin Xuerou farther and farther away, Chen Youliang, who was standing at the entrance of the supermarket, felt resentful but hesitated for a long time and still didn't dare to follow.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Youliang simply turned his head and loudly said to Mashouzi, "Ma Wenpu, listen to me, if someone causes trouble for your supermarket again, just drop Brother Leong's name! Since you're all friends with Xuerou, that also makes you friends of Chen Youliang! Anyone who dares to mess with Brother Leong's friends is asking for trouble with me, and I'll make sure they won't get away with it!"

Just as Chen Youliang was boasting, trying to establish his heroic image in front of Lin Xuerou, a young girl suddenly came riding a scooter from afar, swiftly passing by Chen Youliang's side and screeching to a halt at the entrance of Ma's Supermarket.
