Chapter 0159: Really Awesome

"Impressive indeed!" Chen Youliang held the steering wheel with one hand and extended his thumb with the other, his face full of admiration as he flattered, "I didn't expect you, Brother Bao Gou, to be so ruthless, not only killing someone but also knowing when to bend and when to stand tall. I really admire you!"

"Of course, I've been braving the streets of Ming City for more than a decade; what kind of rough waves haven't I seen? If I were in the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, I would be a brave and strategic general! I certainly wouldn't be worse than the likes of Zhang Fei or Guan Yu!" Brother Bao Gou regained his confidence, shook his leg, and puffed rings of smoke, boasting proudly.

Hwu Zi, squeezed in the backseat, couldn't help but be full of doubts after listening. Were Zhang Fei and Guan Yu really from the Spring and Autumn Warring States period? Weren't they under Genghis Khan?