Chapter 0161: Taking Over Works Too

"So that's how it is..." Tao Duoduo remained composed, yet she still felt a tinge of disappointment.

Because Gerard had only assigned the Lovely Corporation to the design and manufacturing category, it meant they would not be involved in the future operation of the children's park. This effectively meant that they could only profit from a one-time deal, missing out on a long-term revenue opportunity.

But then Tao Duoduo thought about it and felt it was reasonable. After all, her company was of limited size, and securing this project, worth several hundred million, was already a major win—completing it would be like meeting the company's annual targets.

"Clan Leader Gerard, I would like to ask what part our Yueronghua Corporation will be responsible for in this resort park?" Cai Mingyue, perplexed after reviewing the cooperation project agreement again, looked up and asked.