Chapter 0170: Who Dares to Go?

Chapter 0170 Who Dares Go?

Cai Mingyue felt both amused and annoyed in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

Chu Nan scanned the crowd, who were still properly seated, and said indifferently, "If no one objects, let's do as President Cai suggests and continue the meeting."

Under Chu Nan's immense pressure, all the department managers were trembling, not daring to say another word, and afraid to even breathe too loudly.

A few of the bolder ones sneakily raised their heads to glance at Manager Song, trying to see what his next move would be after originally plotting the coup, only to find him also mute and staring at the table, evidently in a state of standing down.

Since the leading Manager Song had kept silent, none of them dared to actively create trouble again. They were more than eager to see this situation resolved, so they didn't have to make a difficult choice anymore.