Chapter 203: Ri Shao is Looking for You

"This damn Chu..." Cai Mingri cursed halfway, suddenly remembering something, he darkened his face and swallowed the rest of his words.

Actually, Cai Mingri had anticipated Brother Ho's refusal, so he didn't press further, but instead asked in a stern voice, "I didn't ask you to take action directly, I'm asking which gang is the top dog here in Ming City? Get in touch with them for me right away. I want them to take out Chu Nan! I refuse to believe that there's no one in this world who can handle that kid!"

"Here in Ming City... the biggest underground force right now is the Zhao Family. They not only have a large number of people but I've heard they also have quite a few firearms. Dealing with Chu Nan shouldn't be too difficult!" Brother Ho thought for a moment and responded.