Chapter 0205: Injuries Prevent That

Chu Nan left Yueronghua Corporation and returned to the hospital; it was already deep into the night.

Entering the ward, Chu Nan found only Zhou Yuanyuan at Lin Xuerou's bedside; Mashouzi was nowhere to be seen. He learned after asking that Mashouzi had just left for Ming University because the supermarket had just opened and there were many trivial matters to deal with.

Lin Xuerou had been feigning sleep with her eyes closed. Hearing the conversation between a man and a woman, she opened her eyes and, seeing Chu Nan, her eyes lit up and she anxiously asked, "Chu Nan, did you find my dad...ouch!"

Lin Xuerou's overly hasty movement had pulled at the muscles in her face, tugging on the wound that had not yet healed, causing her to grimace in pain and suck in a breath of cold air, her eyes welling with tears.