Chapter 0233: Are You Trying to Scare Me?

"Are you trying to scare me? I see what this is now, you brought me here today because you're determined to pester me until you get what you want, isn't it?" Chu Nan couldn't help but laugh out of frustration, his voice carrying a hint of mockery.

"Sigh, I really had no choice, it's a tough world out there!" Gerard said, somewhat embarrassed, and without hiding it any further, he drooped his face and let out a long sigh.

Chu Nan couldn't help but give Gerard a look of amusement and said with annoyance, "Alright, just a couple of days ago when you first came to Huaxia, you couldn't even speak Mandarin smoothly, and now look at you, spouting new Huaxia idioms like it's nothing! Don't play the sympathy card with me, just say it, what's the project?"