Chapter 272 Complaining at the Door

"Of course, I know there's nothing between you and him; I'm not blind – I can tell as much! It's clear he's the only one carrying a torch," Chu Nan shook his head and asked, "But what about Uncle Lin; how did he come to borrow so much money from his family all at once?"

Looking at Lin Xuerou's anxious face, Chu Nan couldn't help but mock himself inwardly. If he couldn't even discern this much, wouldn't he be an idiot? This girl was really flustered.

Seeing that Chu Nan had not misunderstood, Lin Xuerou finally let out a sigh of relief and explained helplessly, "Originally, my father was fired from Yueronghua Corporation over some issues and incurred a lot of debt. But it actually wasn't his fault. At that time..."

Chu Nan waved his hand and said, "I'm already aware of that situation. I've investigated everything thoroughly. Only when your father is exonerated can he return to work at Yueronghua Corporation. So, was the money borrowed at that time?"