Chapter 0292 We are VIPs!

The female attendant blinked in astonishment and said with an apologetic and embarrassed face, "Miss, I'm really sorry, but these two gentlemen had already taken a liking to this dress and were about to pay for it. Could you perhaps look at some other styles? We have similar evening gowns..."

"What are you rambling for?" Xiao Leek didn't wait for the attendant to finish before she slammed a black card onto the counter and said impatiently, "Haven't they not paid yet? I am a VIP Black Diamond Cardholder of your mall, and according to the rules of your establishment, you should serve me first!"

"This..." The female attendant looked at the thick and exquisite black card on the counter and was momentarily dumbfounded. Indeed, that card was the top-tier Diamond VIP Card issued by the mall, and the mall had a rule that if a Black Card VIP was present, they should be served first without neglect.