Chapter 0303: Too Enthusiastic

Chu Nan listened and couldn't help but click his tongue secretly, feeling a sigh in his heart. It seemed that Aunt Hong was a person of real character. Even after Uncle Cai got married, she harbored an unchanging, deep affection for him. Yet, she did not disturb his life and only took the initiative to care for him after Xiao Yue's mother died. Such women are rare nowadays!

Li Mengmeng casually picked up a drink and took a sip, continuing to speak, "But Aunt Hong living with Uncle Cai without any official status caused quite a stir. Initially, the Hong Family only warned her, but when she continued disobeying, they disowned her outright, which has led to the tense relations between the Hong Family and the Cai Family to this day. That's also why the Cai family has been suppressing Uncle Cai."

"So that's how it is," Chu Nan nodded, thinking to himself that the situation was indeed complicated. However, it finally made sense why Cai Yichen was not living with Cai Mingyue.