Chapter 0306: Xiao Yue Like a Whale

Well, speaking of which, Cai Mingyue did feel that they were quite close usually, and Chu Nan would always call her about everything, hardly ever reporting directly to her.

What Cai Mingyue didn't expect was that Li Mengmeng suddenly turned her eyes mischievously and said with a thievish grin, "Then I'll snitch to Chu Nan too, saying that Sister Ming Yue learned how to squirt only after watching action movies with me! Oh right, no wonder you're so fond of whale toys, turns out you're just like them, all fond of squirting water!"

Cai Mingyue's face turned from red to white with embarrassment, annoyed and somewhat ashamed by Li Mengmeng's words.

Biting her lower lip and pondering for a moment, she couldn't think of a retort, so she could only huff, "You… You talk way too much! How can these two things be the same? Don't mix them up, okay! If you dare to tell Chu Nan that, I'll tear your mouth apart!"