Chapter 0316: Hands Up!

"Didn't hit anyone, right? What's that worth?" Flat-top sneered arrogantly, pointing at Li Junjie's head, "Kid, you've ruined Fourth Master Zhao's fun. Now you've got two choices: kneel in the private room and apologize to our master, or take this bottle and smash your own head as a gesture. It's up to you!"

"Who the hell is this Fourth Master or Fifth Master? Never heard of them!" Li Junjie stood his ground and waved dismissively, feigning nonchalance, "The reason I didn't make a fuss earlier wasn't because I was scared of you guys, it was because we're here for a class reunion, and I didn't want to cause trouble. But that doesn't mean I'll back down if trouble comes!"

Although Li Junjie seemed to talk back with neither servility nor arrogance, in reality, he was somewhat intimidated upon seeing the crowd in the other party's private room, seeming hard to mess with, so he deliberately mentioned the class reunion, mainly to hint that there were also many people on his side.