Chapter 0321: Your car has had an accident!

Arriving outside of Snow-Seeking Plum Banquet Hall, Bao Gou rolled down the window of his car to take a look around, and the first thing he saw was Chu Nan's Bentley parked right in the middle.

After sizing up the license plate, Bao Gou sneered and said mockingly, "'Ming C11111,' no mistake, it's you! Wow, what the hell kind of car is this? It even has a 'B' badge on it! How bizarre, I've never seen such a thing before!"

As it turned out, Bao Gou was the man Xiao Niu had hired. Despite his van being old and beat-up, he had already invested millions in third-party liability insurance with several insurance companies.

Those who mingled in their line of work often got into car accidents, and if someone actually called the police, they would still have to pay up. Of course, the money couldn't come from their own pockets; they had to get it from the insurance companies.