Chapter 323: How Can You Not Be Afraid?

"So be it. If you don't recognize him, then should I just beat him to death?" Chu Nan seemed to have anticipated Zhao Siyu pulling such a stunt and immediately asked coldly, thinking to himself that Zhao Siyu really knew how to sell out his teammates at crucial moments. It seemed that his underlings would never get ahead and were doomed to take the blame for him sooner or later.

"Ah? You, wait a minute! Hiss... I remember now, this guy seems to be Young Master Chen's subordinate! Let me ask for you first!" Upon hearing Chu Nan's harsh words, Zhao Siyu nearly had his soul scared away! Although Bao Gou was just an uneducated thug, he was also one of Zhao's rare competent followers. If Chu Nan really beat him to death, it would be over for him!

So after Zhao Siyu spoke, he quickly handed over the phone to Chen Youming and gave him a meaningful look.