Chapter 342: The Plot Isn't Right

Although that was the case, Hong Xiaochen didn't make any more attacking moves. Instead, she flexed her sore fingers. She knew she was outmatched, and that was why, earlier, after failing to land a kick, she had resorted to throwing anything she could get her hands on. Sadly, this tactic had no effect on Chu Nan either.

Just when the room was filled with the sound of objects being smashed, a waiter was eavesdropping outside and simultaneously dialed a number on his phone, whispering, "Young Master Zhang, the police officer and Chu Nan have started fighting! I'm listening from outside and it sounds pretty intense. What should we do next?"

"Hahaha! This time, I'll see Chu Nan dead for sure!" Zhang Xianjian laughed triumphantly and immediately instructed, "Stay by the door for now. After five minutes, withdraw, and make sure you're not discovered. I'm on my way!"