Chapter 346: Seeking Your Cooperation

Tao Keke was in her room pondering how to deal with Chu Nan when she heard her phone ring. She pulled out her phone, glanced at the screen, and saw an unfamiliar number, so she decisively pressed the hang up button.

Normally, except for Lin Xuerou and Chu Nan, Tao Keke's phone didn't have other classmates' numbers saved. She was accustomed to using WeChat for communication, so when she saw an unfamiliar number, she subconsciously thought it was a scam call.

Unexpectedly, just as Tao Keke set her phone down on the desk, the ringtone sounded again. It was the same number as before. She had no choice but to answer it, speaking impatiently, "Hello! Who are you? Are you done yet? Trying to scam Sister Keke's money, right? I'm telling you, not a chance! Don't even think about it in your next life!"