Chapter 25: Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy

Half an hour later, Su Yifei's car drove into Zhongzhou City First Hospital.

Zhongzhou First People's Hospital was the best hospital in Zhongzhou City, and its medical standard ranked among the top in the whole of Huaxia.

After Linglong was diagnosed with a brain tumor, she was admitted to this hospital.

Su Yifei and Fang Bai got out of the car, walked side by side into the hospital building, and took the elevator to the third floor. They found the corridor already crowded with people.

These people were essentially the closest friends and relatives of the Su Family, there to visit Linglong.


"Little Fei."

"Brother Yifei."


When Su Yifei appeared, relatives and friends of the Su Family, both elders and juniors, greeted him—some with smiles, others with deferential attitudes.