Chapter 27: Please Do Me a Favor

Just now, Fu Hongjun was insisting that he had no other women besides his wife at home, but in the blink of an eye, his lie was ruthlessly exposed by Fang Bai.

For a moment, the other people in the consultation room looked at Fu Hongjun with odd gazes, some filled with scorn and disdain.

But then someone thought, how did Fang Bai know about Fu Hongjun and that beautiful nurse's affair? Could he really have spied on them?

"As I said earlier, I am a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, which emphasizes the 'Four Diagnostics.' Just now, I detected some special scents on Vice Dean Fu and that nurse sister, which led me to my conclusion... So when I said Vice Dean Fu has many women, it's not without basis."

Those present were experienced and naturally understood the "special scents" Fang Bai was referring to; they all felt somewhat embarrassed, while also wondering how sensitive Fang Bai's nose must be to even detect a person's bodily fluids.