Chapter 29: Sick Yet Still a Beauty!

Seeing Fang Bai waving, Su Hongyuan, Su Licheng, and Sun Binglan immediately entered the ICU.

"Doctor Fang, how is Linglong?"

Su Hongyuan walked up to Fang Bai and asked with concern.

Fang Bai pointed at Su Linglong on the hospital bed, smiled weakly, "She's awake... she's just woken up..."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Linglong's eyelids twitched and slowly opened.


Seeing her daughter open her eyes, Sun Binglan was overwhelmed with joy and could no longer control her emotions. She rushed to the bedside, tightly grasping her daughter's hand, tears falling like rain.


As Su Linglong turned her head and saw Sun Binglan, the dim light in her eyes brightened slightly. Her lips moved, and she called out softly, her voice as faint as a mosquito.

"Mom is here... Mom is here... Linglong, my darling, you suddenly fainted this morning, you scared me so much..."