Chapter 37: Shaolin Martial Monks


Both knew that from this moment on, their relationship would no longer be limited to classmates and ordinary friends.


An incongruous voice rose beside their ears, shattering the ambiguity between Fang Bai and Su Linglong.

They turned their heads to look and saw two monks in yellow robes striding towards them.

Both monks were in their thirties or forties, one tall and thin, the other short and stout, both with prominent Taiyang Acupoints, their eyes flashing fiercely as they opened and closed them.

As they walked, the tall and thin monk moved lightly like a cat, while the short and stout monk was steady as a mountain.

Fang Bai could tell at a glance that both monks were martial artists, and that the tall and thin monk surely had excellent movement technique, while the short and stout monk definitely had a solid foundation in physical strength.