Chapter 59: You drank too much!

A hint of mockery appeared on Xia Chenyu's face as she continued, "Perhaps out of guilt, that man secretly gave my mother some money and rented an apartment for her to live in, occasionally visiting her. Later, my mother gave birth to me..."

"If life had just gone on like that, my mother wouldn't have had too many complaints. But who would have thought that on the day of my full-month celebration, some members from that man's family suddenly showed up, including his wife."

"They said a lot of ugly things to my mother. The most detestable was that man, who not only expelled us mother and daughter from that apartment in front of his family but also swore to cut off all ties with us henceforth."

"My mother's heart was completely shattered by that man, and she decided to leave that sad and despairing city with me that very day. Eventually, we settled in Zhongzhou City, where my mother used some funds she had saved up to start the 'Beauty Company,' raising me as I grew up..."