Chapter 61: Tu Fu

What puzzled Fang Bai was why Xia Chenyu, who clearly wasn't drunk, pretended to be?

Was she deliberately giving herself an opportunity for a kiss, or was she testing if he would take advantage of her?

What was her purpose in doing so?

Fang Bai thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

Since Xia Chenyu didn't have any bad intentions, and she wanted to act, he might as well play along with her.

During the act, they pulled and tugged at each other, hugging and holding, barely separating; Fang Bai could feel that Xia Chenyu's body was very soft, her waist slender, and her chest full.

After walking a dozen steps, Fang Bai felt as if a pair of eyes were watching him from behind.

The stronger a martial artist's power, the more acute their sensitivity to their surroundings and the flow of energy.