Chapter 75: Recovery


Having circulated his True Yuan through the night, Fang Bai's internal injuries had quickly recovered, and he could even get out of bed on his own without assistance, taking a few steps by holding onto the bedrail.

After the hospital conducted an examination on Fang Bai, those Western doctors who had asserted he wouldn't be able to leave his bed for a week were dumbstruck with amazement.

The next evening, Fang Gang brought several large bags filled with dozens of fresh medicinal herbs, as well as the equipment for preparing medicinal pastes and decocting herbal concoctions.

Typically, these items would not be allowed in the intensive care unit, but since the hospital belonged to the Su Family, Su Yifei had already announced that Fang Bai could do whatever he wanted, so none of the medical staff dared to interfere.