Chapter 93: The Clinic Opens

"Fang Bai and Lu Jianfei look very similar, and since he risked his life to save you, it makes sense that you like him. But..."

Tang Chongshan let out a sigh, his tone becoming grave, "Your grandfather seems to also think highly of that Shen Family boy. He called me a few days ago, hoping to see you two..."

"I don't want anyone interfering in my own matters!"

Tang Wenrou interrupted her father, her tone turning firm.

"You girl..."

In Anxi, Tang Chongshan's lips curled into a bitter smile.

Tang Wenrou had been stubborn since she was young. Once she set her mind on something, nobody could dissuade her, not even that grandfather in Yanjing with his high position and great authority.

After the father and daughter ended their conversation, Tang Chongshan suddenly remembered that during his last visit to Zhongzhou City, he had chatted with the injured Fang Bai at Zhongzhou First People's Hospital, knowing Fang Bai would go to Yanjing Hospital for an internship after summer vacation.