Chapter 96: Father and Son of the Liu Family

When Fang Yun asked Fang Bai where he had learned his cultivation technique, Fang Bai gave the excuse that it was passed down by a "Master."

In fact, Fang Bai wasn't boasting. Practicing the "Nine Revolutions True Fire Art" really could allow cultivators to transcend the ordinary and maintain everlasting youth.

When the "Nine Revolutions True Fire Art" was cultivated to the utmost ninth revolution, it would possess the supreme power of burning the heavens and eradicating the earth.

Fang Bai taught Fang Yun the cultivation technique with another purpose in mind, that was, in his absence from Zhongzhou, she could take up the responsibility of protecting their family.

Moreover, the set of fist techniques that Fang Bai had taught Fang Gang and Yang Mei, as long as the couple diligently trained, would also grant them a certain self-defense capacity. As long as they did not come across a true Martial Artist, nobody would be able to harm them.