Chapter 102: Ghost Hand

The things that were thrown out were all the severed limbs and arms of the disciples from the four major sects, and even a human head.

None of the eight disciples from the four major sects who entered the cave survived, and all of them were dismembered, dying gruesome deaths.

This was like poking a hornet's nest, nearly a hundred martial artists outside the cave were inflamed with indignation, each of them shouting furiously at the cave, clenching their fists in readiness to rush in and avenge their fallen comrades.

Fang Bai, hidden not far in the small woods, was also secretly alarmed.

The eight Yellow Level Martial Artists had been torn apart and tossed out in the blink of an eye. If this was indeed the work of the Spirit Ape, it proved that what the disciples of the four major sects had said was correct; not only was the Spirit Ape powerful, but its methods were also brutal.