Chapter 118: Baili Mingyue

"Uncle, how long has Auntie been sick?"

Fang Bai asked casually.

"It has been over a decade now... Fang Bai, you haven't finished shopping yet, right? Why don't you let Mingyue accompany you to the nearby department store to look around?"

Mingyue's father seemed very reluctant to discuss his wife's illness with strangers and smily steered the conversation away.

Surviving for over ten years with the "Man-Eating Flower" poison indicates that there must be some special medicine suppressing the spread of the toxin.

However, while this method can extend a patient's life, it only treats the symptoms, not the root cause, and the backlash will be severe in the future.

Once the toxicity accumulates to a certain level within the body, it will suddenly erupt. At that time, the poisoned person's skin turns black, black blood flows from all seven orifices, and they die in extreme agony—the death is horrifically tragic.