Chapter 148: The Experts All Prefer to Keep a Low Profile

"Fang Bai, here... here..."

Fang Bai had walked more than a hundred meters away when he heard someone calling him.

He followed the sound and saw Mingyue hiding in a small alley by the street, waving at him.

"Why haven't you gone home yet? Where's your classmate?"

Fang Bai walked into the alley and asked with annoyance.

"I sent my classmate home; they should be back by now."

Mingyue said with a giggle, "We share good fortune and face difficulties together. You stood up for me; how could I abandon you? I've been watching over here the whole time. If those people had dared to bully you just now, I would've rushed over to help you!"

"With your measly skills, you think you could've been any help to me?"

Fang Bai snorted and then said, "You'd better not tell your parents about today's incident; otherwise, you'll surely get an earful. And don't you dare tell them I know martial arts, or we're through as friends!"