Chapter 156: Fight Poison with Poison


Fang Bai said confidently, "But to expel the 'Man-Eating Flower' poison, one needs a very rare and precious medicinal ingredient, it all depends on whether Uncle Baili can find it. If he can, there's a great hope of expelling the poison from your body, but if not..."

"What ingredient?"

Clutching his pig-slaughtering knife, Baili Zhan walked hurriedly toward them, his expression agitated as he asked loudly while walking.

Fang Bai enunciated each word clearly, "Man-Eating Flower."

"Man-Eating Flower?!"

Both Baili Zhan and Jiang Yuzhi exclaimed in shock, their faces filled with disbelief.

"Yes, Man-Eating Flower,"

Fang Bai said, "Uncle Baili is also proficient in medicine, so you should know about the method of 'fighting poison with poison,' right?"

"Fighting poison with poison... fighting poison with poison... Brother Fang, can this really work?"