Chapter 159: I Didn't Expect You to Be So Bad!

Xia Chenyu drank a lot, and Fang Bai also had quite a few drinks to keep her company. Unlike Xia Chenyu, whose face turned red all over, Fang Bai appeared unfazed, as if nothing was the matter.

Wu Tian and others were secretly amazed and full of admiration, thinking to themselves that not only was Doctor Fang skilled in medicine, his tolerance for alcohol was impressive too, and moreover, he had a beauty who had prepared a room at the hotel, ready to throw herself into his arms...

For a man to reach this level, it really was worth it.

Although Xia Chenyu could hold her alcohol well, there was a limit. After a liter, she started to lose the battle with the booze. Initially, she was laughing and talking with Fang Bai and the others, but in the end, she lay on the table and started to cry "wu wu."

Wu Tian and the rest looked at each other, puzzled.