Chapter 169: Are You Done Touching?

It was Saturday, and Fang Bai returned from Yanjing Hospital at noon, only to find Baili Mingyue sitting alone under the grape arbor on the west side of the courtyard, nattering to the Lightning Mink in her arms as if she were serenading a cow.

Her brows were furrowed, and her mouth was puckered up, a clear sign of her being in a sulk.

Baili Mingyue was characteristically cheerful and extroverted, especially since becoming "friends" with the Lightning Mink; she was always all smiles. She had never looked as downhearted as she did today.

"What's wrong, Mingyue? Did someone bully you? Tell me who it was, and I'll beat them up for you!"

Fang Bai walked up to Baili Mingyue with a beaming smile and said.

Baili Mingyue shook her head listlessly and said, "Fang Bai, today is my birthday..."

"Your birthday? Shouldn't that make you happy?"