Chapter 179: I Can't Swim

Seeing Ye Wumei gazing at the Lightning Mink, seemingly in disbelief, Fang Bai smiled and said, "Do you find it incredible? Yes, if I were you, I'd also find it hard to believe. But it's true—this Little Mink not only led me here but also helped me rescue you... You saw it subdue those four female bandits just now, didn't you?"

"No... I didn't quite catch it..."

Ye Wumei said, a bit embarrassed.

When the Lightning Mink suddenly attacked, it overpowered the four Female Martial Artists in a flash of lightning, so fast that Ye Wumei saw only a streak of white circling the bandits without clearly making out anything else.

"Little Mink's strength is much greater than yours; it's normal you didn't see clearly. Anyway, this little guy played a significant role in successfully rescuing you."

"Is this Little Mink really that powerful? It traversed thousands of miles, braving mountains and rivers, just to find me by following my scent?"