Chapter 194: Baili Zhan Gets Deflated

After such an incident, both Tang Wenrou and Fang Bai felt very disheartened, and they no longer had an appetite for food.

"Was my kick a bit too harsh?"

After leaving the hotel, Tang Wenrou's expression was very solemn. Having walked more than a dozen steps away, she turned her head to ask Fang Bai.

"Not harsh."

Fang Bai said, "If it were me, I would have been even harsher."

Tang Wenrou's expression relaxed slightly, she sighed softly, and said, "With this incident happening, the good relationship that the Tang Family and the Shen Family had built over many years is probably going to be ruined in an instant. I don't know how my parents will treat me..."

"You did nothing wrong, the one at fault is Shen Huanian. Your parents will surely stand by your side."

Fang Bai comforted her.

Tang Wenrou nodded and said, "I'm a bit troubled right now, I should head back first. I need to discuss this matter with my family, to let them prepare for what's coming..."