Chapter 226: Ruhua is not afraid!

"Big brother, can we get out now?"

Although Fang Bai did not speak, Dongfang Ruhua could feel his joy, and so her mood also improved.

"Yes, we can get out now!"

Overcome with delight, Fang Bai couldn't help but let out a long howl and accelerated forward.

The further forward they went, the louder the sound of the water became. A moment later, an underground river several meters wide lay before them.

The river wasn't very deep, and some rocks even jutted out from the center, making loud "whooshing" noises as the rushing water struck them. With the echoes off the walls, the sound of the water would continuously reverberate in their ears.

Fang Bai checked the direction of the water flow and led Dongfang Ruhua down the riverbank in the direction of the river's downstream current.

Although the riverbank was extremely slippery and littered with pebbles, making it difficult to navigate, Fang Bai moved as if he were flying, as though he were treading on flat ground.