Chapter 239: Fang Yun in Trouble

Within ten minutes, the young man who was in a coma slowly came to, opened his eyes, looked around in confusion, then braced himself with his hands and stood up on his own.

"My son! My son!"

The middle-aged man embraced his son, tears streaming down his face with excitement.

Seeing that Fang Bai was able to cure patients that even the major hospitals and "Rejuvenation Hall" could not, the sick in the hall all gave thumbs up to Fang Bai, full of admiration.

"I'll prescribe him some medicine to take for a couple of days, and then he'll be fine."

Fang Bai stopped the middle-aged man who, having stopped crying and was ready to kowtow to him with his son, and said with a smile.

Soon, the middle-aged man received a few doses of medicine brewed by the clinic, paid the consultation fee, thanked Fang Gang and Fang Bai, the father and son, once again, and left with his son, overjoyed.